Archive for September 2021
Confronting Reality
We veterans, our active duty comrades, and our families have a serious problem. Suicide. We are killing ourselves at a horrific rate. We owe it to ourselves, those that love us, and America to do more to help those in need before they make an attempt, and for those that survive an attempted suicide, we…
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I remember September 11, 2001: I was a newly minted one star general posted to the US Embassy in Kuwait as the Director of the Office of Military Cooperation. The Ambassador, the station chief and I were huddled in a quiet place in the embassy when an aide burst in to tell us to come…
Read MoreUpcoming AUSA Webinar
Hey everybody, I know I have been writing some very serious blogs of late, due to the situation in Afghanistan. Today let me plug my book as well as a great organization that supports all of our Army: soldiers, families, and all of us that have retired: AUSA. If you are not a member, think…
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