Moral Courage

If you have been following my blog trail, you remember that I believe three leadership traits reign supreme in our best leaders: competence, moral courage, and character. I discussed in earlier posts competence, and how you can think about it when gauging whether you, or anyone else, are ready for the next job, or the…

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A Noble Cause

I have been thinking a lot about this week’s announcement that the United States would pull out all of its troops from Afghanistan by 9/11 this year. I have also talked to many veterans who served there and almost everyone feels strongly about the decision: some are very much opposed, while others are all for…

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YES, I am Ready!

So how DO we know if we are ready for the next big step in life? I think it boils down to two things: Am I competent in the things I KNOW I will face, just not when – the “known unknowns” as Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld used to say? And maybe more importantly,…

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Am I ready?

Have you ever wondered “Am I ready?” Maybe before a promotion, or a new job, or starting something new in your life? I have. Many, many times. In my book Marathon War, I describe how I sat out on the steps in front of the Farmhouse – the designated home for the 101St Airborne Division…

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