Upcoming AUSA Webinar


Hey everybody, I know I have been writing some very serious blogs of late, due to the situation in Afghanistan. Today let me plug my book as well as a great organization that supports all of our Army: soldiers, families, and all of us that have retired: AUSA. If you are not a member, think about it – they can and do lobby for our Army and all of us, and make a difference each and every day.

They have a great webinar series on Thought Leaders, and they kindly are featuring this week my book and I, as well as a wonderful Army warfighter and thought leader who will moderate, General John F. Campbell. See below, including the link to register. Thanks!

Marathon War: Leadership in Combat in Afghanistan

AUSA’s Thought Leaders Webinar series invites you to join us on Wednesday, 8 September 2021, at 1400 EDT to hear a presentation by Jeffrey Schloesser, retired Army Major General and author of Marathon War: Leadership in Combat in Afghanistan and former Commanding General of the 101st Airborne Division and Regional Command-East.

Marathon War provides a timely examination of leadership during the chaos of combat. MG Schloesser will offer his reflections on the war in Afghanistan, highlighting interactions with critical national decisionmakers and showing how tactical decisions can have dramatic strategic impact.




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