Shame on us

No matter your political leaning nor whether you believe we should end all “forever wars” or you are a national security hardliner, if you are American, you should be deeply disappointed in your country today. As the American flag at the US Embassy in Kabul comes down under Taliban pressure, as US Army Chinook helicopters…

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I have been posting about the foundations of character, competence, and moral courage. I said that both self-discipline and shear hard work were key. There is one more thing I have found in my life that, when combined with discipline and work, has really helped me as I seek to be a better person and…

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Time for America to ACT!

Folks, I have been posting about the foundations of character, competence, and moral courage. I will continue that line of discussion in my next post, but this week’s news forces me to change the subject to Afghanistan and America’s limited time to act. And it’s a great lesson in moral courage. With America’s troops all…

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The value of hard work

Last week we asked ourselves “what are the building blocks to competence, courage and character?” I said that I believed self-discipline was absolutely foundational. What else? In my career and personal life, shear hard work has gone hand-in-hand with discipline. I don’t mean mindlessly working almost 24/7 where everything is important and we work ourselves…

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What now?

We are leaving Afghanistan quickly, and I predict the Taliban will soon be in control of much of the country, and that a brutal civil war will break out among the Taliban forces, what remains of the Afghan Army, and multiple ethnic or tribal militias. Afghans that assisted American and NATO forces will be in…

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Afghanistan farewell

It is a done deal. U.S Armed Forces are leaving Afghanistan after twenty years, and NATO is right along with us. American diplomatic and financial support will carry the primary burden of securing our national interests in the country, with over-the-horizon counter terrorism operations a potential option against a resurgent Al Qaida or ISIS. What…

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I am aware of PTSD

Sunday 27 June is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day. The Veteran’s Administration reports that about 11-20% of Iraq and Afghanistan War vets have or have had PTSD, and many million more citizens have it from trauma, abuse, and other causes. It is a big deal. I think I spent much of my career in…

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Things I never said to my father

My father passed away unexpectedly several years ago. I wasn’t ready for that: there were so many things I never said to him that I wanted him to know: Dad, thanks for providing for our family: we never went without a meal, never went without a house to call a home, never went without an…

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Why an Army?

The 246th birthday of the founding of America’s Army is Monday. On 14 June, 1775, the Continental Congress voted to raise “six companies of expert riflemen.” The very next day, George Washington was appointed to command these companies and the rest of Continental forces that would be formed. Washington’s commissioning oath should sound familiar to…

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